Duration: 1-2 hours
Mushrooms are delicious and the one of the only foods that likes to grow inside a small urban house. So let’s grow! Together! I hosted some mushroom cultivation workshops in my tiny flat in Amsterdam, and would love to share this in more places.

Fungi need to eat and drink, which soaked straw is a perfect resource of. The straw needs a full night to soak up as much water as possible, that we mix with crumbled mushroom mycelium. Mycelium is the underground filament network and the mushrooms that we eat are only the fruiting bodies that would arise above soil to spread the species out. We create a perfect breeding ground for fungi to grow, so hygiene is highly important in the process.

Everyone fills a grow bag with a mixture of soaked straw and crumbled mycelium. Explanation on the cultivation steps like temperature, moisturising and reusing the mycelium after harvest for a second flush, are written on a small leaflet that every participant receives to take home, together with their mushroom bag. After a month we all have abundance of delicious mushrooms!

Optional: cultivating Skiitake mushrooms or Nameko/Chessnut mushrooms together